She Needs Me

She leaves it there. That wet ring of dew which settled on my surface throughout the day. Does she know what it does to my skin? If she leave it there any longer, my outer layer will begin to peel, exposing my particle board structure underneath. I know her. She’ll remove it tomorrow morning where she will replace the paper cup with a dark blue mug, filled with a bitter liquid.

A soft hum lingers throughout the night, stopping only when it has cooled. During the day it heat up enough to warm my wooden side. Sometimes it’s too much. My owner will sit for hours typing away, making her pink tower work over time. But the nights are peaceful still.

Movement on my surface has ceased. I feel useless right now. There are time I can not wait for morning. Then she will sit by my side, clean my surface, and begin to work.

Shhh! Here she comes. But it’s late. She should be sleeping. Must be one of her late night ideas. Her eyes will begin to close and she’ll soon stroll back to her room, but for now I must work. She needs me.


Writing Prompt: What your desk thinks about at night.


Writing Time

How you are just like your mother:

My mother is a very sweet ol’ lady. She is kind, gentle, caring, and very sensitive. Some would say I am a lot like her in that aspect. Then there is my height as well. My mom is 5ft short!  I am only 5’2″. My sister, on the other hand, is 5’3″.  The other thing is that my mom and I are both huge movie fans and we both love to sing. There are probably other ways that I am similar to her, however these are the only ones I could really think of.


Making Soup:

I HATE SOUP!! Okay, not all soups. For the majority of my life, I have despised them, until recently. The creamy tomato soup at Panera is my favorite. I also like Clam Chowder and this new Mexican soup that I made in the crock pot. It was a very lean and healthy soup that turned out fabulous!  I couldn’t believe the flavor. I make my own clam chowder as well. However, it is really funny to watch. I am so short that in order to stir the soup mixture in my stock pot, I have to stand on a step stool. Let’s keep that a secret shall we?


Invent your own language:

Well, Kay and I made up this language while we were still in High School. She already put it on her blog, but I need to use it too. 😀

BLOOP!! Bloop bloop BLOOOOOP! Bloop bloop bloop blooop blooop! Bloop, BLOOP BLOOP BLOOP!!

Translation: EEEP!! I’m so EXCITED!  Can’t wait to see you! Tennessee, HERE I COME!!



Terrible Mess

Knox Territory
Somewhere past a stone arch



Thank you for NOT sending Jackson. I could not fathom what would have ensued if he came to help. After I sent you the plea I knew all I could do was run. I saw the sun rise and set again. After I ran under a stone arch, I no longer heard the rustling. I’m pretty sure whomever was following has retreated. Even though I knew I was safe again, I continued to run. I probably should have stopped. If I had, maybe I would not be in the mess I am now.

A hole in the forest floor decided it wanted to eat my right foot. I’m certain my screams reached the mountain tops. Next thing I knew Jacob was running towards me calling my name. He is, at this moment, wrapping my foot with a strip of my shirt he tore off. It is very swollen with a purple hue around the sides. There will be no standing on it for the rest of the day.

I never realized just how handsome Jacob is, until now. His short brown hair, scruffy face, and slender jaw make him seem very rugged, when in reality he is a softy with a gentle heart, and some pretty gentle hands as well.

My eyes are burning from crying. He made some medicine from a yellow plant nearby. He says it will help ease the pain, however I feel there could be some adverse side affects.

I am at a loss as to what could have caused the illumination you saw. Don’t worry sister! I will be there soon and we can work together! I hope the cloak holds for you. When we return we can find a way to make it stronger. For now, just do what you can to stay safe. Whatever was following me could still be out there.

I best be going. Jacob is rummaging through my bag for food and I really don’t want him finding anything that would leave me in complete embarrassment.

As high as the clouds,


PS: We should be able to move again tomorrow. For now we will rest.



Unnerving Travels

Knox Territory
Lost in the woods


Dear Olivia,

It frightens me to say this, but I think I have a shadow. Earlier this evening, just after I left the city I heard some rustling in the bushes not far from where I was. It wasn’t an animal, that I knew for sure. It sounds more like footsteps through the forest than anything else. I veered off the path to lose them, in doing so, I may have gotten a bit lost.The instructions you gave me are so jumbled in my head right now, I can’t seem to place it all back in order. I hope to find the path again later. For now, I think I am safe to rest.

It is definitely beautiful out here. The trees seem taller than usual and the moss is hanging from the limbs like frozen tear drops. This has created a nice shelter for me. I left in such a hurry I forgot to bring my tent, so it’s just me and nature. I really hope the clouds remove themselves so I can at least see the stars to get back on track again. Not being able to see them will make getting back to the path, challenging.

I won’t be sleeping tonight. I’ll rest for an hour and be on my way.




Knox Territory
Lost in the woods… still
Hour after last letter!



Send help! Please! Jacob… Jackson… YOU! I don’t care!! I know I’m being followed. I don’t want to move. I closed my eyes for a second and I could sense something coming closer. Even the silver lilies have tucked themselves into their leaves. I’m scared. The rustling hasn’t stopped and it’s getting louder!  PLEASE!!!  Hurry!

In Fear,


PS: I’m going to make my way back to the path but I’m not sure how long I can be there!  I’ll do what I can. Help…

Another Sleepless Night

Olivia and Charlotte’s Flat
Knox Territory
Just before dawn



What were you thinking??? Let me rephrase that…. WHY ARE YOU STILL PACING IN YOUR TENT? You should go talk to him. No, you won’t get fired for something like this, especially if you are honest about it. Or… you can hide the incident forever and let it eat at you day and night.

I’m glad those breathing exercises are coming in handy, however, the won’t help if you don’t face the situation. Jackson is a great guy and I’m sure he’s panicking as well. you could act like nothing happened! He may do the same. But, I can’t help you if you choose to do that and he decides to confront you. No matter what, it will work itself out. Stay focused! You still have a job to do!

Jacob showed up at our flat yesterday! Yep! That’s right!  Around 6am I hear a faint knock on our door. I slurred myself out of bed, put on my pink fuzzy slippers, and sauntered to the door in my long night shirt and my hair sticking out everywhere. Needless to say, I was not a pretty picture. I think I might have been drooling too. There was an awkward silence for a minute or two until my nose caught a whiff of Mango Tea. He was holding two mugs in one hand with a pile of dusty old books in the other. I was kind of freaking out on the inside. I tried to not let it show, but I think the obsessive brushing of my hair probably gave it away.

The books he carried talked about the ancients. He found them under some old manuscripts in the lab. A lot of it was about the powers they possessed, but not enough to make any firm conclusions just yet. They also indicated some of the darker history. One of the stories was about this stone the Elder Ancients discovered that when in the hands of someone filled with pride, would suck the souls of others and store them in it. Apparently the stone disappeared along with some of the Ancients.

I need to get going. I promised Jacob I’d be at the lab before dawn tomorrow and I’m already seeing the rays of the sun peak through the curtains.

Always Sleepy,


PS: By the way, how was the kiss?




I’m sick, un-pure, and utterly destroyed

The moment his eyes catch mine.

I live in fear and ashamed

Crying myself to sleep at night.


I’ve been trampled and torn to the end

Pierced like a sharp edged sword.

Ripped away from those I loved

Plunged into a damp, dark hole


Gasping for air from a narrow space

I am never coming back

His lies will mean nothing

A heart is what he lacks


I will run, run away

Getting out while I can

Hiding my face from all who see

The woman that I am




Help Not Wanted

Charlotte stood on her tip toes peering through the
narrow window of the wooden door. Her knees began to shake as she saw Jacob
inking notes at his desk in the far corner. She stepped back on her heals and
sighed. It’s now or
She thought as she opened the door and walked into the

“Hi Jacob,” she said, hanging her coat on the wooden
post. The labs stone floor and walls made the room feel cold and damp. Huge
wooden tables sat at odd angles while Jacobs mahogany desk occupied the corner
of the room with view of the door.

Jacob kept his nose in his work. This is going to
be harder than I thought
. She grabbed an apron from off the post and walked
over to his desk. She picked up a light gray stone with a smooth blue side.

“That’s an agate. Pretty powerful stone, but it’s been
dead for a long time.” Jacob looked up from his work. “What are you doing here

“I was wondering if you’d like any help,” she said as
she put the stone down.

“That’s really thoughtful,”  Jacob stated as he walked
over to a table littered with old artifacts and tiny glass bottles of multicolored
liquids. “But I work better alone.”

                “Come on, please?” Char begged. “I’m going stir crazy
trying to research for Olivia. I’ve been at the library from dusk till dawn,
every day, since she and Jackson left. I’m not getting anywhere!”

                “Did Liv put you up to this?” He said, smiling with the
right corner of his mouth.

                “No!” Charlotte looked down at the desk again, not
wanting to make eye contact with him. Jacob raised his brow and crossed his
arms. Char could feel his eyes on her as she gave in. “Okay, yes. Live wanted
me to come talk to you, but so did I.” Char stated as she walked over to him. “I
just wasn’t sure how to approach you.”

Jacob’s face softened as he saw Char turn a slightly
shade of pink. She shook her head, trying to remove the idea she was blushing
at all.

“So, can I help?” Char asked, her heart beat racing
inside of her chest. Jacob grabbed a glass bottle from the table and handed it
to Char.

“I need this liquid mixed with a smidge of dust from
the green jar over there.”

Char smiled and started to work. Jacob’s eyes followed.


Nervous Wreck

Town of Knox


Dear Olivia,

I am relieved to hear you made it to the ruins safely. Sorry it took you longer than it should have. good thing you were there to help Jackson. Who knows what would’ve happened if you weren’t there to help. He probably would’ve never made it or got hurt in the process. That wouldn’t be so good.

I will keep doing some more research for yo. So far I found that the ruins may hold power from the Ancients. Not exactly sure what that means, but maybe that is what you felt. Remain cautious, you don’t know what the artifacts may hold.

Do you know how much longer you will be? I see Jacob almost daily, pacing back and forth in front of the lab sipping on his Coconut Coffee. I’ll tell you later how I found out what flavor it was. He seems to be getting antsy. I am taking your advice. I will be going to the lab this evening and hopefully get the nerve to talk to him rather than starring at him through the window. I’m so nervous. I know he’s an ally, and I shouldn’t be nervous, but I’m afraid your right.

You’ll be pleased to know that the pub is still standing. There was a terrible fight that broke out between Neil and a patron. I tried to break it up and got a black eye for my trouble. The guy ran off as soon as I got involved. He had very pale complexion and was completely bald. His face reminded me of the statues in the library, the ones with the long-gated faces and the floor length robes. I asked Neil what it was all about but he wouldn’t tell me. It’s not like him to keep an issue like this to himself. Usually he complains about the bad ones. It happened just after I finished your previous letter. Oh, and Neil says “Hi”!

I got your tea like you requested. It does work. I was finally able to sleep after the second cup. I probably would’ve fell asleep after the first, but I was trying to break up that fight. It will be easier to sleep tonight knowing you are safe at the ruins.

I hope you start seeing some better weather. It’s dreary here and the fog seems to be getting thicker every day.

Time for me to visit Jacob. Wish me luck!


Nervous Wreck,



PS What incident are you talking about??




Knox Territory
Ancient Ruins

I still cannot believe that I am actually here. I know that I complain to Charlotte about being out here, but it is kind of peaceful. I have even gotten used to the downpours. Kind of. The wind has picked up so much that at times I am convinced that it is raining from the ground up.

Jackson has ordered (like he can tell me what to do!) me to stay inside my tent for the rest of the day. I’ve already messaged my letter to Char so I am stuck twiddling my thumbs. It’s one thing to be researching, but this? I will go crazy by the end of the day if something good doesn’t happen. I didn’t even know I was claustrophobic until pretty much this exact moment. I know! I will see what’s going on outside.

I make my way around my small cot to the entrance, push past the layers of plastic and pop my head outside. What is going on here? “I knew it,” Jackson said coyly.

“You knew nothing,” I insisted as I stepped from my tent into his.

“I know you well enough, Olivia, that the moment I told you to stay inside that you couldn’t,” he smiled, “If I were a betting man, I would be very rich right now.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I’m bored and I think I’m claustrophobic. That is contagious, right?” He chuckled at me. Guess it’s not. “If you’re going to laugh at me Jack then I’m just going to head right on back!”

“Oh settle down,” he smirked, “want some hot tea?”

Is he kidding? We have been here for a week and I had no idea there was electricity! I nod at him and take a seat on the ground. I may be frustrated but I am not going to turn down something warm. “Do you think we’ll be able to get back to work soon?” I inquired as he clanged some dishes at the other end of the tent.

“Mmm, don’t know. The weather has got to let up sometime. I’m hoping in the next couple of days we can finish up and head back. I know how much you hate it here.”

“I don’t ‘hate’ it. I just, well, don’t feel very useful. Except with directions,” I grin, “I could teach you a thing or two.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jackson smiled innocently and he handed me a steaming pint. I inhaled the strong ginger aroma, shut my eyes and felt my body relax. I took a sip and was in heaven. It took all my strength to not chug it down. I pretty much failed.

My eyes got instantly heavy and I could feel myself drifting. “Jack, you didn’t,” I pause for many beats, “drug me, did yuhhhouu?” And then there was darkness.


Directionally Challenged

Knox Territory
Ancient Ruins

Dearest Charlotte,

I cannot begin to tell you how ready I am to be home. I know this expedition is necessary, but I am so tired of being sopping wet. It has been storming constantly since I wrote you last. The lightning has crept dangerously close. If we rest for even a moment it will be at our heels. The danger is very real. Next time, if I make it back of course, you will not be leaving my side. I cannot put my finger on it, but I feel stronger when we are together.

Our day and a half journey from my last letter ended up taking four days. Even with the rain, we would have made it on time if Jackson would have let me lead us. He wouldn’t know the correct direction even if I hit him over the head with it. I am not kidding, Char, he is the most directionally challenged human being on the planet.

We set up camp last night and Jackson did something right and had some extra supplies brought in. I do not know how he managed it, but I am thankful for a dry blanket and a comb. He also brought a few more things in but he’s keeping those in his tent and will not tell me what he has. He told me to let it go… I told him sure. Not. You know me. Me and surprises do not work well together.

What I wouldn’t give for a pint of that hot raspberry tea that Neil was recommending. Could you possibly figure out a way to post that to me? Even with the blanket, it is chilling here.

On a serious note, Charlotte, you need to see Jacob out. He is an ally. I really think you guys would work well together. He will know exactly how to assist you. Besides, he really needs some human contact. Desperately.

I have had these weird sensations lately. When we were investigating the northern ends of the ruins, I could feel that the pull of the earth and the elements are stronger there. I am trying to gather more information about the history of that area. My reach is short here. Could you possibly take a little time and research for me? I would greatly appreciate it.

It looks as though Jackson is stirring. I should get out to the excavation site before he thinks that I am just sleeping the day away. I will tell you that story next time if you remind me. I will not forget that incident even if I wanted to.

Please write soon. My connection with you is all that is keeping me going.

At my wits end,


PS. Don’t forget the tea!
