Day Two: Kay and Jay’s Nashville Adventure

What a joy it is to wake up and be able to sit and chit chat with friends. That is how we started our morning together after a wonderful night sleep. Laughter immersed from our lips as we reminisced about times gone by and even future plans. We truly kept our day simple and relaxing. It took us until nearly noon to get dressed and ready to head out the door.

The clouds seemed light and airy. The sky a brilliant and bright blue. You want to know how we celebrated the day? Lunch at the local Chinese restaurant and grocery shopping! Lunch was amazing; however, we shared more laughs looking for typo’s on their take out menu. Here is our favorite from this particular menu… IMG_8448In case you are curious like we were, here is the definition:

DICKER (pronounced exactly how you think it sounds): treat something casually or irresponsibly; toy with something.

And this is how our conversation went:

Kay: Don’t dicker with me!

Jay: Fine, I won’t dicker with you, I’ll dicker with someone else.

Kay: Don’t spread your dicker around!

Jay: I’ll do what I want with my dicker!

Kay: I wouldn’t share my dicker with anyone! You don’t know where your dicker has been!

Jay: What? I know exactly where my dicker has been…

…there was more, but we think you get the picture! Where were we? Ah, yes, groceries. But don’t think this was any ordinary shopping trip. We fully took advantage of the killer tunes that were playing over the speakers of the local Food Lion and we had a mini dance party in the middle of isle five.

While we were there we also got the fixings for this amazing chicken taco soup. IMG_0741

It was well worth the four hours it spent cooking in the crock pot. Before the meal had begun though, we took a walk around the property and saw some of the highlights of the apartment life in Nashville. The pool and tennis courts, the picnicking area, and the lovely birds.

We finished off the evening with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This time everyone stayed awake! Woo hoo.

After we post this blog, we SHOULD go to sleep as Jay is coming with me (Kay) to work tomorrow. But alas, neither one of us are really tired. We will get some writing done in one way, shape, or form and head to bed when we are good and ready.

Keep Calm and Write On.
