Before I Die

English Countryside

English Countryside

My list is quite expansive, so I will just enclose a few of my top picks and why I have chosen them.

At the top of my bucket list resides a dream vacation. My main goal is to tour all of England, both the cities and the country side. I want to create a photo journal of my experience. I want to go to the settings of all of my favorite books, movies, and television shows. I want to eat the best local foods, and I want to see the breathtaking scenery.

Irish Beauty

Irish Beauty

During this trip to England, I would love to tour the castles of both Scotland and Ireland. While there, I want to spend a night or two in Paris. I have recently started learning French. I want to be able to put this to good use in the near future.

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

A second and exciting place I want to travel to is Italy. I have always wanted to take a Mediterranean cruise with stops at all of the remarkable places in Italy. I wouldn’t mind have a few days in Greece either. I think my husband would LOVE the food in both places. Who am I kidding? So would I!



On the home front, I would love to own my own home someday.

I also want to adopt lots of babies and cats!

I look forward to the day these dreams become a reality. The truth is, I’m super happy with where my life is right now. My husband of almost seven years and I are happier than ever, we love where we live, our friends, our family, and our new church.
