Words from a Stranger

The most intriguing and/or unexpected conversation you’ve had with a complete stranger.

I was at the mall today, eating my very delicious cup of Aunt Annie’s Pretzel Nuggets when a grey, toupee wearing man said something.

“Are you in High School?” He asked. I had no idea he was talking to me. I continued to eat my pretzels and not think anything of it. “Are you in High School?” He asked again, this time standing right at my table and looking me straight in the eye.

“No.” I replied… a little worried about why he was asking me such a thing. I know I look young, but I’m pretty sure I don’t look like I’m still in High School. He began to list off the grades in high school while I replied with ‘nope’ and ‘uh uh’. “I just graduated from College sir.”

He looked shocked.

“May I sit here with you.” He motioned to the chair situated on the other side of the table. I don’t like turning down a conversation and I had some time before my hair appointment so I said he could.

Although I do not remember every detail of the conversation, it started out with what I received my degree in.

“I like to write as well. In fact, while I was in the army during WWII I wrote a poem to my mother on Mother’s day. I still remember it.” He exclaimed, his arms crossed on the table.

I smiled. We discussed how writing releases a lot of emotions and that everyone should write, even if they aren’t great at it. It’s a good way to clear one’s mind. The conversation moved from writing to being a disabled vet in no time. He was 100% disabled vet but clearly was not completely disabled. He was walking and from what one of the mall employees said, he frequents the mall every day, walks back and forth a couple times, and talks to random girls. I told him that my husband is a disabled vet as well, but not getting a 100%. He then began to tell me that he could get my husband a lot more disability.

He proceeded to hand me his business card. As he opened his wallet I saw the familiar green and white ID that military personnel carry around. The white card with black lettering seemed too simple for a business card. It read:

“DOC” Will
Doctor of Pulmonary
Army Veteran

(Insert Phone Number)

I politely accepted and told them I will tell my husband about him. We talked of other things however I do not remember them at this instant. No matter, I really enjoyed having someone be friendly here. It was a nice change.

Never forget that you can learn some of the best things from a stranger!