Use Your Sniffer

Growing up, I always wanted to know what it would like to be an animal. I loved most animals and especially was fond of my dog Kirby. Yes, she was named after the vacuum cleaner and did an amazing job putting her nose to the ground and covering every inch of underneath our dining room table growing up.

It was with Kirby that I tried my first dog biscuit. It much be an acquired taste, one that I could never get accustomed to. I was happy that she enjoyed them. I probably fed her too many of them. Who wouldn’t want snacks all of the time!

I loved how happy she seemed all of the time. Her mouth always hung open with her tongue hanging out the side, her tail wagged so hard that her entire back half shook.

One thing that really made me jealous was that she was allowed to play in the creek that was a short walk from our house. Kirby splashed around care free, chomping at the water as if it was attacking her back as she created the splashes herself.

Even as an adult, what I wouldn’t give to be able to just take a nap whenever I was tired, and to just be happy all of the time. I think the only thing I didn’t envy, was her desire to eat slugs. Her mouth would get so sticky and gross. She would still smile at you even when she was caught red handed. I was young enough back then that it was my mother (I love you, mom!) that had the pleasure of cleaning Kirby up after the incidents. I wonder how different I would feel about things if it were my responsibility.


PS. Dog food does not in any way shape or form taste like cocoa puffs. 🙂

The Hobby Killer

I used to write all of the time. I would play my guitar. I would watch movies, listen to music, and hang out with friends. I would take spur of the moment beach trips and camping trips. That is, until I met “The Hobby Killer”. Let’s go back to March 2007 when my then boyfriend (now husband) flew me down to meet his parents in Florida. It was there that I was introduced to “The Hobby Killer.”

At the time, “The Hobby Killer” and my boyfriend were good friends. He introduced us so that I would understand why he liked “The Hobby Killer” so much. Little did he know that “The Hobby Killer” and I would become even better friends than he was. From April 2007 until January 2008, Steve and I shared a computer, which means we had to share “The Hobby Killer.” Everything was fine and good while he was away at work and I didn’t have to share. However, when Steve would be home, I would still want to split our time on the computer fifty-fifty. It was only fair right? The days I had it by myself were exempt.

January 2008 we got Steve a computer and we were finally able to play “The Hobby Killer” together. This worked out amazingly for us. If you haven’t guessed already, “The Hobby Killer”‘s code name is World of Warcraft, or as most know it as WoW. WoW was good to us. We got to play games together and have adventures on a very tight budget. It was in these first few months of 2008 that I really found out that healing was my niche. Steve and I could conquer the world, and we did that.

Over the years, we  had mad some incredible friends through this game. Polly (via Oscar), Ricky, and Matt to just name a few. We even found some friends from the real world that play as well (Melissa, Patrick, Jay, Jon and more).

For many years, too many years, it was our main focus. We thrived on competition and doing and being our best. We enjoyed end game content, especially raiding. Although we took many breaks we have made it to the end of every expansion so far. However, recently, our dreams have been growing and changing and we have been phasing our gaming life out and focusing on our business and the world around us.

Steve took the first leap and put his notice in of our raiding team of nearly 3 years. I wasn’t long to follow him. Steve’s account is currently inactive, and mine goes inactive on May 8th. Sometime toward the end of this year there will be a new expansion coming out called Warlord of Draenor. I couldn’t even tell you if we’ll pick it up and check it out.

Since stepping down from gaming I have been blogging regularly (as you can see), working on two different novel ideas, and so much more. I’ve made friend in the Nashville area and I am excited to be doing this business with my wonderful husband. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the game, and enjoy playing around on it; however, I love my freedom.
