Collecting (and Reading) Books

Describe something you wanted badly and, once you got it, never (or hardly) used.

This is something that my husband already knows (and he can probably list off a bunch more that fit the above writing prompt… but we’ll save that for another time), but I am still secretly hoping that he does not read this post.

I think the biggest thing for me has to be books. I love books. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading, but I think what excites me almost as much as reading, is buying books. I love getting great deals on books too. That is one benefit (and curse) to my job. Our most expensive book is typically $2.49 and can be as low as $.79! What a steal…

Well, this problem of mine I believe started in September of 2010, when the Christian book store I was working at in Michigan closed. They had incredible sales, and I couldn’t help but to load up on books when they were that cheap. It is now four years later and I have probably read four of the books that I got during the closing of the store.

Since then I have been gifted books, been loaned books, and have bought books. My last count was about 60 books that I owned that I had not read. I have a frightful feeling that number is closer to 100 now.

My new years goal this year was to read 25 books. It was 50 books the year before that and I don’t think I got past 15. I know for a lot of people reading 15 books a year is a crazy amount. To me, I was sad I didn’t come close. That’s the main reason why I dropped it down to 25 books. It is an achievable goal for me. I went into the new year strong. I had read 7 books in the first 3 months. I was right on track, and then I stopped reading and started collecting again.

I’m not sure going cold turkey is the right idea for me; however, I need to get on a regime that I get one book for every 3 books I read. Slowly ease my way into actually catching up. Who knows what will happen. I am trying though.

Last night I finished this fantastic book called “The Sherlockian” by Graham Moore. If I had 3 evenings free I could have read it in that time, but it took me the better part of two months. I wonder why that is and why it happens. The story was good, I suppose I just wasn’t in the mood to read.

I started my very first Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book this morning titled “A Study in Scarlet” and I am enjoying it so far. Doyle’s writing is easier to follow than I had first anticipated. I do have a friend bringing in a copy of “The Fault in Our Stars” for me to read, so I will put Doyle’s book on hold while I read the borrowed one. The only reason I am even considering reading a borrowed book is because I want to see the movie that comes out in less than a month!

I am excited that I have started another season of reading. I sure do hope it keeps up.


Go For The Goal

I know New Year’s Resolutions have turned into more of a joke over the years as promises we make only to break… well I am breaking that cycle. Back in January I made three goals for the year 2014.

1) Read 25 books in 2014. So far, so good. I am six books in and have started both books 7 and 8. I have “Daisy Miller” by Henry James at work to read on breaks and during my lunch, and at home I am reading “The Sherlockian” by Graham Moore.

The main reason I made this one of my goals this year is because I realized something that was a little disturbing. My obsession was becoming getting books, but not necessarily reading them. From my nest that I have made for myself on the bed, I can see books that I got four years ago while I was living in Michigan that I haven’t touched. There are other books on that same book shelf that are at least 10 years old. About a month ago, I gathered the books that I have not read together. It totaled about 60. What is the point of getting them and having them if I am not going to read them.

I run the media department of ThriftSmart here in Nashville. From everything I am hearing, we have the LARGEST book department of any thrift store in the area. How cool is that! I have been on a HUGE British kick over the past few months and I cannot get enough of British authors. It is absolutely killing me seeing these British novels being donated to the store and I am having to put them out on the shelves instead of me buying them and adding them to my collection.

I couldn’t just stop buying books cold turkey, so here is the compromise I made with myself (we had a whole discussion…): I can buy one book for every two books I read! I don’t know about you but that feels like a win-win situation. It also encourages me to keep reading so that I can reward myself with a book by a British author!

2) Blog regularly. This one was a bit interesting. I had started my own blog right after the new year and my goal was to write in it once a week. I was good for about a month and then by February things just kind of fell apart. I didn’t know what I wanted to write about and I wasn’t feeling very motivated. Alas, not all is lost! Now that I have joined forces with my friend Jay, we both average writing five days a week. My creativity has increased tremendously and I am regaining my love for the art of writing. I have a flash fiction (short story that is 1500 words or less) in the works that I am hoping to debut by this time next week.

So even though I had a little hiccup last month, I feel as though I will be making it up 10 fold with Nerd to the Word!

3) Be kind to everyone, even if I don’t think they deserve it. Maybe even especially if they don’t deserve it. If I am being honest, which is something I try to always do, has been quite a challenge for me. I find myself doubting people’s motives before even giving them the chance. Change is a very active state of mind and it takes me keeping my thoughts and my words in check 100% of the time. When I behave in a way that is kind, I am finding that I am allowing myself to open up in a way that I didn’t know I could. I am making friends, making plans, and really starting to live my life.

Moving to Nashville has been the best decision my husband and I have made in a long time. As the months continue on in 2014, I know that I will continue to add goals for the year, and for my life. My long term goal is to continue to be a better person. It doesn’t need to be new years to make commitments to change. Just decide, set some goals and get to it. Do not give fear the time of day. Fear has no power over you. Live your dreams.
